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Gallery Delivery & FAQ's

The link to view your Gallery is below 😁

The Coupon Code is in the first photo in the Gallery 😉
There is more than one coupon code - you save more when you spend more.

- You can order classic, standout, canvas, metal & acrylic prints from your Gallery.

- We also offer Print Packages


- If you are interested in Digital Downloads with Unlimited Personal Usage Rights, they are are $30 each*
- For savings please refer to the coupon codes in the first image in the Gallery - you will save more, the more you spend.
 *Due to cumbersome/confusing ordering, we no longer offer Digital Packages.

- Nothing has been retouched at all, only minimally corrected.

- We fully retouch ONLY the images you order 😉

- We will photoshop out the leash when possible, clean up the floor, straighten, brighten and over-all make your images shine like Fetch Portraits.

- Handlers will be removed from the retouched image you receive.

---> "Head Swaps" start at $10 

If you love one image, but like a face or head that's in another image, we can often swap it for you. This item is listed under "Other". We always confirm your wishes via email, before we edit.

You choose your shipping for prints.

Retouching/Digital Images take 5-7 business days, but often much sooner. 




This is a public Gallery, therefore you will see all other attendees' images as well as yours. They appear in the order they were shot, so just keep scrolling until you see yours.


Just click the heart on all your images.

This way you won't have to hunt for them the next time you log in.

This also helps with ordering - if you order a Print Package or you decide to order a product directly from the Sample Store, it will pop-up a copy of the Gallery for you to add images to that package. If you've already marked them as Favorites, you won't have to hunt through all images in the Gallery in order to add them to your package - you'll see a tab with only a list of only your Favorites to choose from.




(same on Mobile or Desktop)

  1. Click to the Cart

  2. Click 'Browse Products'

  3. Click the product you want - ex: Single Photo Download

  4. Click 'Buy Downloads'

  5. At top of page, click dropdown and choose 'My Favorites'

  6. Now, check off each of the ones you want

  7. Click 'Add to cart'

  8. (You may have to sign in again here)

  9. At the bottom, you can add any other products (Head Swaps, Prints, Packages)

  10. - OR -

  11. Proceed to Checkout

  12. Click 'Apply Coupon' & add the coupon code applicable to the amount you are spending

  13. Fill out Billing & Shipping

  14. Check out


  1. MOBILE - click an image, then click the cart icon

  2. DESKTOP - hover to click the cart icon

  3. Click the product you want - ex: Single Photo Download

  4. Click 'Add to cart'

  5. Add any other products for that same image  (Head Swaps, Prints, Packages)

  6. (You may have to sign in again here)

  7. Back out of Buy screen

  8. (Mobile - back out of chosen photo)

  9. Go to another photo & click or hover to add to the cart

  10. Repeat steps 3-9 for each image until done

  11. Proceed to Checkout

  12. Click 'Apply Coupon' & add the coupon code applicable to the amount you are spending

  13. Fill out Billing & Shipping

  14. Check out

I hope you LOVE your photos!

I can't wait to see which ones you pick!

If you have any questions or need help ordering, just contact us.

Please allow 24 hours response time, & you may not hear back on a Monday 😉

Thank you 🤗

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