Howl-o-ween Boutique Sessions
Hello and thanks for visiting! Here are some FAQ's about Fetch Portraits Boutique Holiday Events!
What do you do?
We bring a professional, custom, Halloween themed studio set to your venue and take photos of your customers' dogs (people and other pets welcome!).
Session slots are 5 minutes.
For Halloween, we have 6 sessions an hour.
We do more for Santa sessions because there is a character to hold the dogs, so it goes much faster.
What does it cost?
Halloween sessions are $40 and include a free 5x7 print.
We provide a coupon code to the clients in their gallery delivery email - they use it to order their free print.
They can order extra prints and digital downloads online as well.
We collect payment through our online booking or directly from walk-ins at the time of session and accept cash or CC.
What if someone has more than one dog?
For Halloween, if they do not plan on being in the photo with their pet, we HIGHLY recommend a second session be booked (and we state this very clearly within the booking form).
Without a character to hold them, it takes a lot of time to get them both close together and looking at the camera.
Then we have to photoshop out our handler as well as 2 leashes. Guests will receive one free print per paid slot, regardless of the number of pets.
At Christmas we do not require this, since Santa can hold the dogs.
How do my customers book or how do I book for them?
Just click this link and choose the venue, the rest is easy-peasy.
What do they get?
Each guest receives a mini-photo session and on-site quick-review of all images shot.
Within about 3 business days after the event, they will receive an emailed link to a gallery containing all images shot at their event.
They are able to order prints and digital downloads with personal printing rights.
We provide a coupon code for their free print. Tax and shipping apply to their order.
How much are Prints/Merchandise/Digital Downloads?
Prints are 5x7= $25 Digital Downloads with personal printing rights $50 each (but we discount these for 3 days after the email is sent - $30 each...and even less when ordering more).
Your customers can feel free to email jennifer@fetchportraits.com with any further questions about print/download rates.
Anything else I need to know?
I sure hope we haven't missed anything! If you do have questions,we're an email away. I will update this info link with answers to your questions and send an email to all bookers to notify. You'll receive answers to all venue questions.
WAIT! What do I tell my customers?
Just tell them to go to www.FetchPortraits.com & click 'Halloween Sessions'. It will bring them to THIS page, where they can learn all about the Tour and click the big, orange button to book ;)
Here are some things you can tell people about us:
We have photographed over 7,000 dogs in the last 12 years.
We have produced over 250 pet photo events
People never think their dog will do it. Trust me, almost nobody's dog just walks up, sits and poses. We WORK to get these pictures. We have a system, a few tricks & a lot of experience that give us an outrageous success rate. The first 1,000 dogs we photographed were in Shelters. We have met dogs that challenged us, probably more than yours will.
Our team has been chosen to work with brands like Subaru, the Mix 101.9 fm, ABC 7, The Chicago Dogs Baseball Team & so many more. We are the Official Pet Photographers for the Radisson Blue Aqua Chicago.
And YES...humans are ALWAYS welcome in our photos!