Mau's House
Chicago - South Loop - 1 block West of State/9th
The below info, images and video should help you get there.
Have you reviewed our Tips for preparing for your session?
Trouble? Just contact us.
*If you are driving PLEASE READ BELOW*
Google Maps is WRONG - it will try to take you further South on Plymouth. Mau's house is at the corner of 9th & Plymouth, 1 block West of 9th & State. See video & maps below.
Street/meter parking - is all along state and also along 9th. You should be able to find a spot within blocks.
Parking Garage - if you'd rather know where you are parking before you leave, use an app like Park Whiz, which will show you where the closest garages are and give you the best deals on price.
Disabled/Challenged - if you are unable to walk a distance to the venue, you can park out front with your hazards on for just 10 minutes! If you arrive early, just sit tight away from the venue until just a couple minutes before your appointment time. Pull up and put your hazards on and come in the venue. When you leave, please go directly to your car and pull away immediately. *
***As courtesy to others in the building, we want to try and avoid having a backup of cars waiting for photos. We kindly ask that you only use the hazard parking if you must & that you do not park there until just a few minutes before your appointment time. ***
Below, the "X" shows you the entrance to Mau's House
(SE corner of 9th & Plymouth Ct.)

Below is video shot in front of the venue: